The Dog

Zodiac Animal in Chinese Character

Born 1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018

The Dog represents loyalty and honesty. The Dog has a strong sense of justice. They are brave, forthright, friendly, and loyal to his friends. They like to right wrongs and have a profound sense of duty. However, they can also be easily angry and irritable. They like to get to the bottom of matters, criticize others, and can be suspicious and fussy.

Your 2022 Prediction:
The Dog is idealistic, loyal and brave—you’ll need all those great qualities this year because hard work is the key to your wealth and success in 2022. Your income looks to be fairly stable. Manage your finances wisely and save for a rainy day. 

You will have some periods of doubt in 2022 and may even feel lonely and lost—but it will pass. Takes charge of your emotions and mental health. Mundane routines can make you feel dull and lonely. Bridge any distance between you and your family, friends and colleagues by taking the initiative. Voice out your thoughts, or get together for some quality time. If there are any issues with your family, friends or spouse, resolve them instead of leaving things hanging. Think twice before acting impulsively and it will all work out in the end.

from Stacey Leong Design