The Tiger

Zodiac Animal in Chinese Character

Born 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010

Tigers represent bravery. People born in the year of the Tiger are friendly, brave, competitive, and charming. Tigers tend to be very active and straightforward. They have lots of confidence and luck, which makes them good leaders. They will often work in large companies where they can shine and be promoted easily. However, they are also prone to be irritable, overindulgent, and boastful. 

Your 2021 Prediction:
2021 is a lucky year for Tiger, a year of development, evolution, and knowledge. Tigers will orient towards a better lifestyle, they will have plenty to learn, to understand, and to explore the more subtle area from within themselves. You will be full of energy and vitality and you will mainly follow the directions on which you started at the beginning of the year. It is time to prioritize achieving your main objectives in an easy and personal way. It’s best to do everything with patience and to give yourself enough time to relax. 

from Stacey Leong Design