Visual Design Development
Logo Development
Brand and Identity Development
Creative Direction
Graphic Design Layout
Art Direction
Photo Shoot Coordination
Packaging Design
Creative Video Development
Storyboarding for Video Production
Talent Casting for Video
Talent Casting for Print Materials
Talent Casting for Radio/Audio Media
Print Ad Campaigns
TV Ad Campaigns
Radio Ad Campaigns
PSA Video Development + Production
Instructional Video Development + Production
Environmental Design
Website Design + Development
Intranet Design + Development
ENewsletter Design + Development
Social Media Management
PowerPoint Template Design
Direct Mail
Script Writing

Women’s Owned Business Enterprise (WBE)
The requirements to qualify as a WBE with the Women’s Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC) or a WBE program administered by a city, county or state are:
- A for-profit business located in the United States;
- 51% owned by a woman, or a group of women who, but for an inheritance, contributed a proportionate amount of capital to acquire ownership;
- When applicable, governing board is controlled by a woman or a group of women;
- Top executive officer, responsible for daily operations is a woman with a technical expertise (experience) in the firm’s primary business activity;
- Women business owners are U.S. Citizens or legal residents
Woman Owned Small Business (WOSB)
Any women-owned business that applies for WBENC Certification may also simultaneously apply for WOSB certification through WBENC.
- The applicant company must be “small” in its primary industry in accordance with SBA’s size standards for that industry, as identified in 13 CFR 127.
- The applicant company must be at least fifty-one percent (51%) unconditionally and directly owned and controlled by one or more women who are U.S. citizens.
Management and daily operation must be controlled by one or more of the women owners. - The women owners must make long-term decisions for the business.
- One of the criteria below must also be true for CORPORATIONS ONLY:
- Women must make up a majority of the Board of Directors OR have a majority of the Board votes through weighted voting.
- Women must make up 51% of the voting power, sit on the Board AND have enough voting power to overcome any supermajority requirement.
- WBENC uses a two part process to ensure that the applicant company meets the WBENC WOSB Standards. This will include a thorough review of the documentation presented and a site visit interview with the female owner/s.